Author: Emily Squires

When the language of Church planting is used many people have one of two responses. One group of people respond with the eye roll and think, sometimes out loud, ?we do not need any more churches! They are everywhere!? Depending on where you are geographically this...

  ?This time of year, travel, vacation time, hosting or visiting with friends and family, and New Years leads many of us to be either drained and discouraged or excited and resolute for that ?fresh start? of the change from dates ending in 2017 to 2018.?...

Generation LINK is about mobilization and equipping. This is understandable?for the Great Commission to be fulfilled, Christians must be mobilized into mission. Christians also must be equipped, given the tools necessary to be able to understand their faith and to think rightly about the gospel. But GLINK is unique...

As a Generation Link intern of a small church plant, I was soon asked to assist with the setup of the church prior to the morning service. Soon after I arrived, it seemed as though a small army came through the doors soon after I had. Before I...

I wonder why God had to take me to Guatemala to break me of my pride. Why is it that we ministers of the gospel feel that we are in full control and that it is our responsibility to plan out every detail of our...

The theological education aspect of Generation LINK is what initially drew me to the program. Prior to coming to Generation LINK at Crosspoint Church in Clemson, I spent ten years on staff with Athletes in Action (part of Cru). Toward the end of my time...

Throughout the past few months, I have transitioned into the residency program at the Church at Cherrydale in Greenville, SC. As God has made it more and more clear that I?m going to be a part of a church plant at some point in the...

This season of Generation LINK in Clemson has been one of gospel sweetness as well as one of intense sanctification. Many of our residents from my first year on staff at Crosspoint Church Clemson have stayed for an additional year, making it a season of...

We recently celebrated our 6th Year Anniversary as a church at Redemption Hill. It was a time of reflecting on God?s favor and blessing and dreaming of what he?s going to do in the days ahead and it was a powerful Sunday. We saw our...

I am a Generation LINK Resident at Open Door in Raleigh, NC and am about to finish my time here after serving for two years. This residency has been one of the most formidable times of my life and ministry and I want to share...