THE SPIRITUAL CLIMATE OF BOSTON is dark. In Medford, a city of around 57,000 people just five miles north of Boston, statistics suggest that only 1.9% of the people in the county (Middlesex County) attend an evangelical church while 74% in Medford claim Catholicism. Boston is in desperate need of the light of the Gospel.
Medford, MA
As Generation LINK Boston’s church partner, Redemption Hill Church has three core values: Gospel, Community and Mission. We believe that gospel transformation happens best within the context of community and that all believers are called to be a part of fulfilling the Great Commission. It is our desire to make disciples in Greater Boston who are equipped and commissioned to make disciples among their relational networks all the way to the ends of the earth. As disciples are multiplied all over Greater Boston, RHC desires to plant churches in our neighboring towns and to send out disciples to plant churches in New England, North America and to the Word.
RHC is coming up on its 9th year anniversary and has seen God grow a team of three core families and a single women to a group of about 200 regular worshipers on Sundays. We also now have 10 Community Groups that meet all over Greater Boston- including a Student Group starting this Fall! We have recently been able to rejoice in a number of genuine conversions among many in our midst that have been counting the cost of following Jesus. We desire to see more and more of that happen in the days to come as leaders are multiplied to make disciples of these new believers.
We believe that gospel transformation happens best within the context of community and that all believers are called to be a part of fulfilling the Great Commission.
At RHC, our residents gain valuable church planting experience working alongside of various ministries (kids, students, college). Our residents also assist and take on leadership roles in other ministries such as Groups, Sunday Experience Teams, Events, Serve Medford, College ministry, Facility Management, Communication and Administration.
There is still a lot of work and opportunities for ministry with kids (birth – 5th grade) students (MS, HS and College) as well as with discipling and leading young professionals. Also, being a church plant with limited resources, there is a great need for help in administrative areas such as finance, website and graphic design, social media, and photography/videography. While all of our participants have specific roles, the greatest need is for people who are passionate about radically following Christ, boldly proclaiming the gospel and eager to mentor and make multiplying disciples.
Redemption Hill Church now rents meeting space in Medford Square, allowing our residents a place they can come and do work. The main constant every week are office hours every Tuesday and Thursday. Outside of these times, our residents spend their time working, doing school work and investing in people in coffee shops, on college campuses and in various places throughout Greater Boston.
Because of the cost of living in Boston, some of our residents also work part-time jobs. Finally, since we set up and tear down our worship space each Sunday, all of our residents play a crucial role each Sunday leading our setup and tear down teams.
*Exact cost is subject to change
Summer LINK Boston will be serving alongside Redemption Hill Church to serve the community of Medford, Massachusetts. Throughout the summer we will participate in evangelism and community outreach in the greater Boston area!
Our Summer LINK team will have weekly Bible study and worship times, along with opportunities to fellowship together, and the privilege to serve on Sunday’s at Redemption Hill. Two of the big events we will participate in this summer are Soccer Nights and a massive community outreach project known as Serve Medford Week. We look forward to serving with your this summer!