The past month for our SummerLINK team in Anderson has been busy but encouraging. We got back from John?s Creek in Atlanta to immediately start working on our second Back Yard Kid?s Club this summer. The family that hosted the event at their home (The Bartal?s) has had great opportunities to connect with their neighbors prior to the start of our backyard kids club and we ended up having a very encouraging turnout amongst the neighborhood.
There were children there who are growing up in homes where the gospel is not taught and we could clearly see God working in the hearts of these children. They were hearing the truth of the gospel for the first time and were engaged in what was being presented.?Back Yard Kids Club gave a great opportunity for the team to help lead the children in games, sharing the gospel, and their own testimonies. We see the opportunity that the Bartal family has to continue to build relationships and to share Christ with their neighbors has now increased as a result of?BYKC.
This week we have had the opportunity to serve with WinShape Camps for Communities hosted at Covenant Baptist Church in Anderson where the team has had multiple opportunities to share the gospel with campers. In the same fashion as BYKC, we have personally talked with some of the campers who also do not come from a Christian home, and are hearing the gospel truths for the first time. Pray with us for the lives and families of the people who have heard the gospel this summer, and be in prayer that we continue to faithfully proclaim the good news of salvation from our desperate place through Christ alone. Especially be in prayer for the hearts of the campers this week to truly see the depth of their sin and helpless state, and cry out to our wonderful savior, Jesus who alone has the power to save.