02 Nov Cheers to Six Years
We recently celebrated our 6th Year Anniversary as a church at Redemption Hill. It was a time of reflecting on God?s favor and blessing and dreaming of what he?s going to do in the days ahead and it was a powerful Sunday. We saw our largest fall attendance ever with over 275 in attendance and most of those hung around after the service for a Jazz Brunch.
As I reflect back, Generation LINK has been a big part of the story. Over the past 6 years, we?ve had 6 Summer LINK teams and a total of 5 Res LINK interns, most of whom have spent multiple years with us. There?s no doubt in my mind that we are where we are as a church because of the investment of those who have either spent summers and years with us. And, even though many of those participants weren?t with us this past Sunday, it was pretty cool reflecting over where everyone is serving in ministry now. You see, that?s the beauty of Generation LINK. We are about sending (not simply keeping) laborers to impact nations for the kingdom. We have GLINK participants who are now serving in ministry from the deep South to Southeast Asia.
Below is a picture of myself with our current ?ResLinker,? Chris Concannon. Chris? story is pretty amazing. God saved him just over three years ago while in college and has put within him an incredible passion to know God and make God known among the world. Chris came onboard with us this past August and God?s been using him in a variety of ways. Not growing up in a gospel-centered church, he?s really enjoyed just seeing how ministry works. Already, God is also using him in the lives of others as he helps lead a small group of new believers, teaching them the foundations of the Christian walk. He has also connected with many of the new guests from RHC over the past few months and been able to share his story multiple times. Continue to pray for Chris as he serves at RHC, looks for opportunities to share his faith weekly, gains valuable theological education through Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and grows in his following of Jesus Christ.
Finally, one other recent way God has been at work in our church is through Tanner Turley, our Lead Pastor. God has really put a burden on his heart to lead our church to become a praying church (not just a church that talks about prayer). The neat part about this is that God is using Tanner to have a ripple effect in our church. Prayer groups are spontaneously starting, we are praying more as a leadership team in times that we normally didn?t pray together, Groups are gathering to pray together and so much more. Sound exciting? Generation LINK residents get to be a part of this by being on the front lines. So, would you pray that increasingly, a culture of prayer would be cultivated in our church, our leaders and our GLINK residents; that we could move from talking about prayer to being a prayer church?for his fame among the nations.
Jon Chasteen
Redemption Hill Church
Boston Generation LINK Area Director