When I was a college student I heard this advice repeated frequently: ?Make the most of your summers. Use them for God?s kingdom! This is a unique season of life and will most likely be the only time you have to take advantage of mission opportunities that are weeks or months long.?
The summer after my junior year, I had the privilege of being a part of the first Summer LINK in Hilton Head, SC. I spent 10 weeks in Hilton Head with about 30 other staff and students working a job (the one and only time in my life I?ve been a waitress!), living in community, studying God?s Word, and learning how to engage the lost.
Looking back on that summer, I cannot tell you
how thankful I am that I decided to do Summer LINK. I can think of many theological discussions, hard days at work, gospel conversations, and deep friendships that shaped and sanctified me and, by God?s grace, made me more like Christ.
The first Summer LINK in 2008 in Hilton Head, SC |
I know it can be easy to get caught up in pressures to focus on school or work or internships (and for some of you that may be what God is calling you to do). But for many of you, would you prayerfully consider how God is calling you to fulfill the Great Commission with your summer? Jesus says in Matthew 28:18-20: ?All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and if the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.? How does God want you to be a part of His commission to make disciples this summer? Personally, when I look back on my time in college I?m so thankful I heeded the advice I heard and did Summer LINK. I have no regrets!
Since the first Summer LINK in 2008, I have been able to participate or help lead Summer LINKs for the last five years in Hilton Head, Raleigh, and India. Here are a few reasons I?ve found Summer LINK to be so valuable in my life and in the lives of numerous other students:
1) You experience intentional discipleship and theological training. I have experienced discipleship in a variety of forms through Summer LINK. Bible studies, one-on-one mentorship, and weekly church services are major ways the Lord can grow and develop you during Summer LINK.
2) You gain valuable ministry and leadership experience. Whether you?re working with a church plant in Seattle, teaching children English in Honduras or on staff for the summer at Crosspoint in Clemson, you will gain valuable ministry experience. You will come alongside of the missionaries or church planters in your location and play an essential role in serving them and advancing their ministry. Whether you plan to go into ministry, the secular workplace, or more school when you finish college, Summer LINK will prepare you to live on mission and share the gospel wherever you are. In addition, when the summer is over, you will have the blessing of knowing the ministry you began will be carried on long after you?re gone through the local church or missionaries you worked with!
3) You live in gospel community. Community is vital to our growth. We need to ?stir up one another to love and good works? (Heb. 10:24). You?ll grow so much from living together, doing ministry together, studying the Word together, and laughing and having fun together! Some of my closest friends, friends I know will be lifelong friends, have come from Summer LINK. And who knows, you may even meet your spouse (we?ve seen it happen a few times)!
Now you may be saying, ?Ok I?m interested. What?s next?? Here?s a few action steps for you:
2) ?Like? our
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twitter to stay up to date on what?s new with Generation LINK.
Summer LINK 2013 |
By Jenna Wayment, Generation LINK Assistant Director