03 May Empowering Others to Minister Well
I started the Generation LINK Residency because I wanted to learn how to do children?s ministry. My expectation was to build relationships with the kids and learn how to teach in ways that make sense for children. I can assure you that the Residency has been way more than that. Probably the biggest thing I have learned about ministry so far is that I can reach more kids through a great team of volunteers than I ever could by myself. This means I might not be on the front lines of working with the children, but I will be empowering my team to do the best they can with the kids God has placed in the ministry.
One way I learned this lesson was through a big community outreach event that the church held. Soccer Nights is basically a soccer camp that meets for a few hours a night throughout the course of a week. The children?s pastor and I had been planning for this event since I started the Residency, and I have a background of working with summer camps, so I was very excited for the event. Finally, the day came when we arrived at the park and began to set everything up. It was exciting having everyone asking me what to do and where to put things. It is fun when you know all the answers. After I gave all the coaches their handbooks and t-shirts, I stood at the now empty table for a few minutes trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing next. The soccer camp started and I did not know what I was supposed to do! That night was when it sunk in that my role as a ministry leader is to empower the great people who volunteer so that they can excel in ministering to the kids. Looking out at the soccer field, I saw nearly a hundred children who I would probably never know their names or stories, but their coaches sure would. How exciting to know that the all the coaches could have way more conversations with the kids and their parents than I could ever have. It is awesome to be working with a team and to see God move in lives of children through the people God has allowed you to lead.
Another way I have learned to see the great of value of empowering other people would be through the children?s church volunteer team. Each of the individuals on this team have wonderful gifting?s and passions. There is one person on the team who reminded me of myself before I knew I loved teaching kids. I remember the first time someone asked me to teach in a children?s ministry context and I thought it was way out of my comfort zone, but I said I would give it a try. That little push someone gave me to try something new led to one of my greatest passions. Seeing this individual similar to myself on the ministry team, I knew God wanted me to push them like others had done for me. So, I started by asking if this person would lead a small portion of children?s church. Now this individual is our go-to person for teaching the memory verse nearly every week. It has been so cool to see this person step up and teach the children in engaging and understanding ways.
Empowering the people God has placed alongside you in ministry to do their best and to discover where the Lord has gifted them, is important for ministry and discipleship. I want to encourage you to look around and see who you can empower to make a difference for God?s Kingdom. Who are the people around you that might need a little push to step out of their comfort zone? What can you do to encourage others to do their best in ministry?
Hebrews 10:24-25 says, ?And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.?
Join me in praying for:
- A humble learners attitude throughout the Residency
- Wisdom on how to empower those around me
- Spiritual growth for the families and children I get to serve
Christy Gwartney
Generation LINK Resident
Open Door Church Raleigh