01 Jul Impacting the Nations in Ann Arbor, MI
Roughly 35 minutes outside of Detroit lies Ann Arbor, Michigan; home of the University of Michigan, almost 125,000 people, and our 2019 SummerLINK team. Our team consists of Katie Perry, Jordan Hargrave, John Perry, Harrison Stewart, Evan Ward, and Alex Poovey. We are all thrilled to be spending the next six weeks in Ann Arbor alongside our partners Michael and Emily Guyer and Treasuring Christ Church.
Our trip began on June 15th with a 2 hour flight out of the Charlotte Airport into Detroit Michigan, where we were then shuttled by some very generous Generation LINK Residents to our apartments for the summer. While we serve in Ann Arbor we will be relying on the generosity and the flexibility of TCC?s Generation LINK Residents for car rides as needed. Luckily, our apartment is located in an incredibly ideal location; a 5 minute walk from the major bus station and less than 10 minutes from the geographic center of U of M?s campus.
Getting to know U of M?s campus has been fun and challenging at times, but with the help of our Spring Break Trip veterans as well as a Summer LINK scavenger hunt on the first day we are all now pretty familiar with the area! Also, after discussing with TCC?s staff we have decided on a few different locations for Morning Coffee Giveaways and which areas are expected to be the most fruitful for times of surveys and EV.
Our team has planned two Coffee Giveaways per week so please be in prayer for those as we seek to serve our commuting neighbors in Ann Arbor with refreshments in the morning and also spread the word about TCC and updates on the college ministries happenings. We have also scheduled rec/social nights on Fridays as an outreach event to build relationships between students where we will play volleyball, Frisbee, and other outdoor activities.
We have also registered to serve with a local daycare ?Peace Neighborhood? two days out of the week where our team will assist in outdoor rec activities, arts, crafts, and some teaching times as well. We hope that by getting to know the kids and their families we can show the love of Christ and hopefully point families who are unbelievers to TCC or another partnering church in Ann Arbor where they can have spiritual questions answered and put their faith in Jesus!
Thank you for your support and prayers as we seek to impact the nations this summer in Ann Arbor, MI!