25 Apr Laboring For The Kingdom – Easter Weekend
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are,
This is Chris Concannon, a Resident from Redemption Hill Church in Medford MA.,
just north of Boston. I?m writing to you on a chilly and rainy early afternoon from my warm and cozy study space to update you all on what God has been doing through both myself and our amazing other Resident, Caitlyn Boland. The highly anticipated (and slightly dreaded)
weekend for church staff everywhere was quite the proving grounds for the both of us as we
strapped in, buckled up, and put our symbolic feet to the gas pedal in hopes that God would
maximize our efforts for the spread and glory of His good name.
Similar to the apostle John?s concluding statements regarding the works of our Lord in
the twenty-first chapter of his gospel account ? ?And there are also many other things which
Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not
contain the books that would be written (John 21:25)??there is sure to be a shortcoming on
my part in detailing all that was done by the hard-working and motivated staff/volunteers hereat Redemption Hill in order to pull-off the milestone weekend we had as a church. Though, I would first like to thank our Lord Himself for bringing over one-thousand people to our Eggstravaganza egg hunt event (our largest ever) and three-hundred and seventy to our EasterSunday service (our largest ever Sunday). In addition, there was also one person who indicated they want to go all in with Jesus, as well as a number of others who indicated next steps with RHC by checking out a Community Group or serving on a team. So?. THANK YOU, LORD!
The Eggstravaganza, in particular, was where Caitlyn and I focused most of our efforts for
the weekend and we would both like to give a huge shout out to Kara Hernley for all her
amazing work leading the planning and organizing for the entire event. Kara is also the director for our church?s children ministry (Redemption Kids), and we were so incredibly grateful to serve under her fantastic leadership. Caitlyn?s husband, Drew, was in charge of setup and teardown for the event, and she was in charge of the administrative work where she took notes on all our planning meetings, did advertising for the event, gathered volunteers to serve on the various teams, kept our entire planning team in proper communication with each other, and tons of other behind the scenes jobs that only her and the Lord know about, this I?m sure!
Her First Corinthians chapter twelve skills were in full display as she utilized her God-given
administrative giftings to the building up of the body of Jesus Christ.
As for me, I was graciously delegated the role of parking team lead where I served
alongside a team of seven others with the goal of best reducing the chaos of hundreds and
hundreds of cars containing potentially confused parents and overly excited children. I have to
admit, I was beyond pleased with the extremely smooth functioning of my team as we all took
up various positions along the four parking lots that we had for the event. As I was walking back and forth from lot to lot I?d hear stories of all the pleasant interactions attenders had with our parking team. I was excited to see that we were not only functioning as human directional signs, but we were also the first line of interactions that any of the attenders will be having with people from RHC. My hope is that, in any small way, we made it easier for parents and children to be able to enjoy the event and that our Father was smiling from up on His throne seated with His Son!
After all this, I feel better equipped to take on more leadership roles as we prepare for
Soccer Nights and Serve Medford Week in the coming Summer. Can?t wait to see what?s in
store for both Caitlyn and I next as Res-LINK?ers! It?s been a fun ride so far as I?m nearing my
ninth month serving with Redemption Hill! Thanks for reading and checking in on our update!Have a great rest of the month and please, if you don?t mind, here are some ways you can be praying for us:
- Retained skills from everything employed during Easter weekend
- Employed skills of retained information when planning and executing Soccer Nights and
Serve Medford Week - Joy and pleasure in the Lord as we serve our local church and our amazing city of
Thank you!
Soli Deo Gloria,
Chris Concannon
Redemption Hill Church
Generation LINK Resident