04 Oct Laboring for the Glory of God
Over the past year, I have been a Generation Link resident at The Church at Cherrydale (TCC). I work with our Women?s and Children?s ministries. I serve on our TCC Women Leadership team and specifically work in connecting and equipping our women. Also, I am the Volunteer Coordinator for TCC Kids and recuit and train our Children?s ministry volunteers. The Lord has been gracious to provide this opportunity for me to learn how to better serve the local church. Over this year, the Lord has continually confirmed his call on my life to ministry work. There are very long days, and even longer weeks, but I am incredibly passionate about serving the families at TCC and I am thankful that God has appointed me to serve in this capacity.
I?ve listed a few ways you can pray for me as I start my second year of Generation Link. First, pray for diligence in my work as I continue to serve the local church in this capacity. As much as I love my position, I can often feel overwhelmed and burnt out as I continuously work on the tasks placed in front of me. Ministry work is hard, kingdom work is tiring, but I continue to labor knowing that God is worthy of my best and he will continue to sustain me. Second, pray that I will work with a humble heart. It is all too easy to make my work about me, and to work for my own selfish gain. My sinful heart is prone to make everything center around myself and my own glory, but please pray that I will be selfless as I work and that the Lord would give my a humble heart. Lastly, that I will be flexible, and willing to serve in any capacity needed of me. As a person who craves routine, I can often find that I am less than willing to hold my plans with open hands. This prayer request is applicable for the work that I?m currently doing at TCC, but it just as applicable to any future ministry job that I may have. Pray that I will hold my plans loosely and that I will be sensitive to the Spirit?s leading.