17 Jun Let All that I Am Praise the Lord
Hello from Summer LINK Anderson! This Summer at Renewal Church, we have two interns. We started with meetings to discuss various summer events and plans, such as Terrific Tuesday, college small group, and partnering with a local food bank to serve children in the community. We have been encouraged by the Renewal team and are grateful for the time we have gotten to spend here.
Terrific Tuesday
Terrific Tuesday is a new summer ministry at Renewal with music, a lesson, discussion, and games. Our first Terrific Tuesday was on June 4th, and we had such a great time! The children were taught a lesson about Scripture and how God’s Word changes us. We also had bouncy houses, which the children enjoyed very much. We are excited for our Terrific Tuesdays to come!
AIM – Anderson Interfaith Ministries
Every Friday, we get food packs and books from AIM and hand the food out to children at an apartment complex. This provides a unique opportunity to spend time with the children and show Christ’s love to them. We hope to create relationships with children and parents there and share the truth of the gospel with them.
Vacation Bible School
We had the opportunity to volunteer for VBS at Lebanon Baptist Church in Anderson. We were grateful for the chance to serve and get to know our brothers and sisters in Christ at Lebanon. Landon helped with recreational activities, and Carolyne helped with music! A few of Renewal’s college students also served at VBS, which was a huge blessing to the people at Lebanon.
The Lord has been reminding me that I am ultimately here to serve and glorify Him. I am to seek to magnify Christ whether the task I am doing seems insignificant or if it seems very important. In all that I do, I should seek to honor and lift up the name of Jesus! Psalm 103:1: “Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.” – CV
As the summer picks up, we will be blessed with opportunities to serve believers and unbelievers. We seek to minister to both with wisdom and love as God provides to us. We ask for your prayers and support as we engage with these people to be the light of Christ on this earth.
Matthew 5:14-16: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” – LF
You can be praying for opportunities to share the gospel as we interact with families in the Anderson community. Also, be praying for growth in our relationships with our Renewal team and that we will be faithful and diligent in the various tasks we have this summer, seeking to praise the Lord in all that we do. We are thankful for your prayers and support and are excited to see what else the Lord has for us this summer!