Name Above Every Name

Name Above Every Name

Hey Everyone, this is SummerLink Boston, so excited to report back to Crosspoint and show how  the Lord has been working in Boston. First off, we want to thank God for your faithfulness in giving  us this opportunity to go share the love of Christ with the people of Boston. We praise God for is his desire to unite children of God with each other in love. Our prayer is that as you readd this post  that you would be encouraged by the lord sovereignty and be gripped with a desire to share His  goodness with the world around you.

As we reflect in these past weeks, we recognize the Lord sovereign hand over our situation as he  guides and teaches us to trust in him more. This Summer we have been given the opportunity to  work with the students at Redemption Hill, do street and homeless evangelism, and help our local  church with a ministry plan to evangelizes to a critical area of greater Boston. This as brought  much how to minister with team and how to rely on each other.

We can celebrate how God has divinely orchestrated many gospel conversions with non-believers.  In his grace he has also given our team boldness to step into these conversions and proclaim his  truth in love. For example, while riding on the transit system one of our teammates, Ben, stuck up  a conversation with a guy named Billy. Billy has been going through a tough time in life and has  really struggled. Ben was able to listen and pray with Billy and invite him church. Billy came this  past Sunday and plans to get involved with Redemption Hill Church. We Praise God for this  interaction along with many others.

With out Crosspoint’s support in prayer we would have not been able to participate in Gods Work  here in Boston. We would ask that you continue to pray for mutual encouragement and unity in our  team. We also ask that you plead for salvations here in Boston. We thank you all for all your  support and love. We also long for the day in which every tribe nation and tongue, in Boston and in  Clemson, will worship and praise the name that is every above name, JESUS CHIRST!!