San Diego is a metropolitan area with all the amenities of a sophisticated city and all the charms of a small town. With an average of 201 days above 70 degrees per year, the weather alone makes it a place people want to call home. Situated along the bay, it has been called America’s hometown and America’s Finest City.
The economy is built around research, technology, universities, and tourism, and the Navy has had a long relationship with the city due to the deep natural harbor along the Pacific Ocean. Situated just north of the Mexican border and the city of Tijuana, the city also has an international border feel and a large Hispanic presence. Church plants are working on ways to connect with scientists, students, the military, non-English speaking residents, and others who have not heard the good news in San Diego’s neighborhoods.
With only 9.8 percent of the area’s 3.3 million people claiming to be evangelicals, the Church has an incredible opportunity to make an impact here. Though intellectualism, consumerism, and worship of recreation are part of the hurdles for church planters, creative approaches to ministry and grassroots efforts are proving successful. For example, one church plant is reaching fitness enthusiasts with a pastor and staff of fitness professionals. There’s room here and a great need for partnerships in the gospel movement.
San Diego, CA
As a church, we exist first and foremost for God. We have been created and saved by God and for God, and therefore, our primary purpose is to bring him glory. We do so by knowing him and worshipping him, but also by making him known to others (Hab. 2:14; Eph. 3:21). We are committed to declaring the gospel of Jesus Christ, both in proclamation and demonstration (2 Cor. 5:18-20). We proclaim (speak) the saving work of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, and we demonstrate (show) it through our transformed lives. But doing so is not an individualistic, self-determined task. No, we glorify God as we live in a Biblical community that declares the truth and power of the gospel.
In July of 2017, the Steele’s and a team of others moved from different parts of the U.S. to plant The Hill Church, but soon they began to pray about the possibility of replanting Windsor Hills. In November, the concept was presented to the members of WHCC who overwhelmingly approved. On January 14, 2018, the membership voted unanimously to become The Hill Church under the new leadership of Jimmy Steele. The following Sunday the existing members of both churches covenanted together as one unified body for the sake of the gospel in La Mesa.
We are seeking laborers who will join us in San Diego to advance the gospel
among the next generation and the nations.
*Exact dates and cost are subject to change
Spend the summer working in San Diego alongside The Hill church! Summer LINK participants will join in the mission by sharing the gospel with community members, college students, and the nations. Summer LINK participants will also join small groups and any The Hill Church activities. Summer LINK participants will work in the community during the day and in the evenings there will be times of worship, discipleship, evangelism, and fun in the city!