11 Sep Sweetness in Remaining
The second year of Generation LINK has a certain sweetness and increased level of deepness. One element of that sweetness is the depth of relationships that the Lord has blessed. The first year was filled with newness and excitement while the second year has been full of the richness of relationship built on the foundation of year one. Coming into year two is building on the solid foundation of gospel -centered relationships with co-workers, students, and friends.
I have had the chance to serve here with college ministry at Crosspoint Church. My role here at Crosspoint is to teach and disciple many of our college leadership team female members and to lead a small group Bible study. One testimony to the sweetness of year two is through some of the girls that were in my small group last year. Two freshman girls that I had the opportunity to invest and disciple last year were asked to join our college leadership team and have now been sent out to lead and teach their own small group of freshman girls. It has been encouraging to see the Lord?s sovereign work in their lives as they grow into Disciples of Christ. I have seen them pursue Him and in return pursue other girls for the sake of the gospel; I have now gotten to meet some of the girls that they are discipling and teaching to follow Christ.
Another opportunity that the Lord gives us as Generation LINK Residents is the chance to lead a Summer Link team. I have seen the Lord develop me as leader in and through Summer Link and prepare me for ministry here in Clemson. One area that the Lord has grown me and developed me as a leader through Summer Link is a boldness to share truth in the lives of others. Ephesians 4:25 states: ?Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members of one another.? As we are discipling and teaching others we need to stand on the word of truth, the Scriptures, and not only stand on it but also proclaim it to others. It is crucial to share and speak the word of the Lord to others if they are to grow in knowledge and obedience to the Lord. Learning to speak the truth in love based on the word of God is primary and has prepared me for this upcoming year of ministry and leadership.
The gospel community that I have experienced here at Crosspoint has been one of the most refreshing parts of the program. I live with two other residents, work with the pastor and elders, attend a small group, lead a small group, and work with college ministry. Through each of theses avenues I have had the chance to have sweet fellowship with other believers who keep me accountable to the word, speak truth to me, and encourage me. I have been challenged to live and love in the same ways that Jesus did. Although at times gospel community can be difficult as sinners try and love other sinners in the way that Jesus loves us I have seen the value and can testify to the fact that we must intentionally pursue gospel community and remain unified as brothers and sisters. Gospel community becomes even sweeter as we seek to love one another as Christ has loved us and walk through difficult circumstances together.
With the second year of Generation Link, for some, also comes the second year of seminary work. I am currently pursuing my Masters of Christian Studies through Southeastern Seminary. Although, when I first began Generation LINK I wasn?t for sure if I would finish my degree, I am Lord willing, now going to complete my degree by the end of this year of Generation LINK. I have so enjoyed being able to take my seminary classes while doing full-time ministry because I have seen the value of being able to apply what I am learning to ministry. As I was meeting with one of the girls that I am discipling she asked me a question about how the Scriptures were the Scriptures and why only certain books were in the Bible and not others. In my head I giggled a little bit because I knew that the previous day in my New Testament class we had walked through the canonization of Scripture, how the scriptures became the scripture. I was able to give her an answer because we had studied it in our class. I am so thankful for times like this and see the value of being able to finish my degree and apply the things that I am learning.
Lastly, I have been intentionally discipled in formal and informal ways. I have met up with one of the staff ladies where we have spent time reading and studying scripture, talking through discipleships, and walking through life. We have also had? the opportunity to hear teaching from some of the pastors wives and walk through scripture as all the ladies of Generation LINK. I really appreciate this time because it is one of the only times we are together and can share how we are doing, how ministry is going, and ways that we want to continue to grow.
The second year of Generation LINK has been such a sweet time in just the few months that have passed. I would ask you to pray for several things as we continue to serve here in Clemson at Crosspoint. Please pray that many would hear the gospel and come to faith as we boldly proclaim the truth, pray that we would be unified as a staff team and community of believers, and that the members of our church would continue to serve and be sent out for the sake of the gospel.? I am so excited to see what the Lord will continue to do in and through us each day.
-Alyssa Poole
Crosspoint Church?
College Ministry Resident
Clemson, SC