30 May The Crazy News
From the first meeting, to running through the airport, and staying awake for at least 36 hours, this first week in Prague has been wild. Our team has hit the ground running in visiting the campuses, cathedrals, and other cultural aspects that make up this beautiful city. While we have only been here a little over ten days, we have already experienced so much joy and witnessed so much fruit from our time here.
Daily the Lord reminds us of his power and of the truth that the gospel is his power for salvation to his chosen people (Romans 1:16). Last year, a Czech girl, named Teresa, was given a bible from Abigail, a girl on the Summer LINK team. This year, Abigail was able to meet up with Teresa and learned that over the past year, the Lord has brought her from death to life and Teresa is now a believer! It is crazy that something as simple as giving a bible to a girl can be used to plant a seed in a person’s journey and trust that the Lord will care for that seed as it grows.
As chosen sons and daughters here in the Czech Republic, we as a team, because of the grace of our Father in Heaven, have the opportunity to share this wonderful, crazy news of the Gospel daily at the Prague campus of CVUT. Each day the Lord graciously ordains conversations for each of us to partake in. Knowing and understanding the fact that he is sovereign and has gone before us to prepare the hearts of the ones who he plans to call to him, gives us peace and boldness while sharing? with the people in this lost city.
The Gospel is the crazy news. We are undeserving of this love, mercy and grace that is poured out to us daily through his obedience to the Father?s will. We are in awe of the work that the Lord is doing through us as his broken vessels here in Prague. The fact that we have no play in our own salvation or can do anything to earn it, brings full glory to God through the process of sharing this unfathomable crazy news. T
he Gospel is being heard. On campus this week, we have ran into a Cru team from all around the U.S. and the LSU team that we have partnered with, both proclaiming the Gospel (because God is good and is willing to let us see what he is doing through other believers here in Prague). We have broken hearts for the people that have not heard this good news, please continue to pray for Prague and the students of CVUT. Pray that the Lord will continue to work in the hearts of the people here and bring a harvest to himself.
– Emily Anders
SLINK Prague?Assistant Director