10 Jul Three Churches, One Mission
It is quite crazy to think that we only have three weeks left as summer comes to an end. We are
so thankful for this season and are still expectant in our time left.
These past few weeks have been quite busy as they have been filled with so many exciting
events! We had Mission Greenville, which is a week where teens serve Greenville through
various avenues, like washing fire trucks and praying with people we meet downtown.
Basketball camp was also a blast! Several people went out into our community to invite the
children to come, so it was great to see the fruit of that labor with excited kids ready to learn
each night.
VBS is in full swing and we are very excited to see how the Lord will work in each child?s heart.
Throughout the whole week, the kids are learning that no matter what, God is with us. What a
comfort to lean into as a five-year old or an eighty-five-year old. One thing that I am reminded
of so frequently is that these events have nothing to do with me, other volunteers, how many
kids show up, or how ?successful? it appears. The only thing that matters is the response of
God?s people to faithfully love and impart gospel truths to the littlest of the kingdom, as God
has demonstrated himself faithful consistently.
With each event, I?m reminded of the joy it is to serve alongside of fellow believers, with our
common goal being to multiply disciples to the glory of God. Having a team made up of three
different local churches has grown my love for Christ and his bride. Watching our team serve
their church with the gifts that God has blessed them with has encouraged me and spurred me on to continued faithfulness. God is so gracious for bringing this team together and I am so
excited to finish strong these last few weeks
Please join us in praying for:
- Humble and joyful service to our local churches
- Boys & girls hearts this week at VBS
- Intentional time in the Word
Jessica Ward
Summer LINK Greenville
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to
the power at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all
generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21