
Hey Everyone, this is SummerLink Boston, so excited to report back to Crosspoint and show how  the Lord has been working in Boston. First off, we want to thank God for your faithfulness in giving  us this opportunity to go share the love of Christ...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]As we head into week two of eight in Boston, I have been filled to the brim with gratitude and awe of the work the Lord has already done in this city and that we are privileged to...

Hey guys! It?s Abby on SummerLINK Boston and I?m so excited to share with you how God is moving here!Already God has brought people across our path that we are praying for and we ask you to pray for as well. One of those people...

A lot has happened since our last update from Boston! In our last post we were finishing our first week here, and we have now finished our sixth! The days can be long, but the weeks go by fast. It is hard to believe we...

Summer LINK Boston just finished our first week serving with Redemption Hill Church in Medford Massachusetts and it?s been crazy! The days have been long but the week has been so short. We landed around 1pm Saturday afternoon to head straight to our dorms at...

Hello friends! We have been in the Boston area for four days now and the Lord has already been working through every experience. From learning how to use the transit system to finding out how cold Boston can be in June (45 degrees), to the conversations...

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are, This is Chris Concannon, a Resident from Redemption Hill Church in Medford MA., just north of Boston. I?m writing to you on a chilly and rainy early afternoon from my warm and cozy study space to update you...

This past Sunday we held a free College lunch for students at Redemption Hill Church and we had over 20 students hang with us. Here?s the really cool part about these 20 students. Of the 20, 2 were seniors, 1 was a junior, 4 were...

We recently celebrated our 6th Year Anniversary as a church at Redemption Hill. It was a time of reflecting on God?s favor and blessing and dreaming of what he?s going to do in the days ahead and it was a powerful Sunday. We saw our...

As we come to our final week, Summer LINK Boston is ending on a high note! We have just come off of a week full of fun, fellowship and service with Medford's annual Soccer Nights week where we served everyday with members of the Medford...