
Hello from Summer LINK Anderson! This Summer at Renewal Church, we have two interns. We started with meetings to discuss various summer events and plans, such as Terrific Tuesday, college small group, and partnering with a local food bank to serve children in the community....

I am sure you are all aware of the saying ?it takes a village?. It is a common saying that communicates the need for a community of people to raise a child. I look back on my childhood with thankfulness for the many people who...

As a team we all agree that the biggest thing that we learned this whole summer is the value of a church community. Throughout this summer we have seen many Renewal members opening up their homes to us and others for fellowship and discipleship.? Since...

The Anderson SummerLINK Team is continuing to enjoy their time together as we continue to grow, serve, and worship alongside each other. We have continued to enjoy getting to know families in our church through host home dinners, we have hosted two youth events so...

[caption id="attachment_17618" align="alignnone" width="225"] Summer LINK Anderson Team (just waiting on Laura to join us from Africa)[/caption] Things kicked off for the Anderson Team this past Sunday with orientation. During this time we enjoyed fellowship and pizza ? lots of pizza. ?On our first Monday of...

Summer LINK Anderson has faced?challenges?since the last update that has inspired renewed assurance of God?s sovereignty over us. During that time, God has taught our team difficult lessons concerning loving the lost, working to be flexible?while harboring inflexible hearts, and not always being?congratulated for seeking...

The first week of Summer LINK Anderson has been a beautiful, chaotic blur of settling in?with host families, attending meetings with the Renewal Church staff, and speaking to strangers on the streets of Greenville, South Carolina about the gospel. The Team: Our team consists of eight college...

The past month for our SummerLINK team in Anderson has been busy but encouraging. We got back from John?s Creek in Atlanta to immediately start working on our second Back Yard Kid?s Club this summer. The family that hosted the event at their home (The...

This past week, we took a trip to Johns Creek, GA to serve alongside church planters that are?seeking to start their church this September. ?Through our affiliation the North American Church Planting Foundation (NACPF), we got connected with Adam, the head church planter for Redemption...

We?re rejoicing in Anderson, SC! Through Back Yard Kid?s Clubs, Block Parties, and incredible training from our church staff, our team can see the Lord better equipping us to make disciples and multiply leaders. We?re rejoicing because God graciously allowed His Gospel to be presented during...