
Hello from SummerLINK Charleston! What a great summer it's been so far. We kicked off our activities with a weekend retreat at Tracy's Camp where we got to know each other and how we'll be devoting our time to the Lord this summer. We've had...

It?s hard to believe that we are all here this summer getting to serve a wonderful God in the midst of a global pandemic, but the Lord provides in ways that we could never imagine. We started our summer together at Tracy?s camp in Pinewood,...

It?s crazy to think that we?re already three weeks into SLINK. In the last update, Tim, the assistant director of summer link Charleston, wrote about how our theme revolves around understanding what it means to be reconciled. We have been studying 2 Corinthians 1-7 for...

Green South Carolina countryside rolled by as we drove down dirt roads to Tracy?s Camp, Cookout drinks in hand. We talked over open windows and rush of air, wondering what the weekend would hold. What were we expecting? Why were we taking a weekend to...

You may have seen the expression I Love My Church printed on t-shirts, social media and widely used as a campaign slogan for your local body. To a lost and dying world this expression could be quite perplexing. Love? Church? How could a two hour...

When the language of Church planting is used many people have one of two responses. One group of people respond with the eye roll and think, sometimes out loud, ?we do not need any more churches! They are everywhere!? Depending on where you are geographically this...

[caption id="attachment_17625" align="alignnone" width="698"] SLINK Charleston @ Launch Retreat[/caption] Summer LINK Charleston is now in its second week! God has brought an awesome team to Charleston this year. ?We began the Summer with a launch retreat at Tracy's Camp about an hour and half from Charleston....

This week Centerpoint launched our first Summer LINK for college students in Charleston. Steve Lindenmeyer (area director) and?Caleb Melton (resident)?have partnered with Joshua Austin (BCM director) to lead fourteen Summer LINK participants. The theme our Charleston team is using this year is ?Transformed?. It is...