This post is part of a series called "Meet the Team" introducing you to our Generation LINK staff. We hope it will help you get to know Generation LINK staff members serving around the country a little better. Where did you graduate from and what did...

This post is part of a series called "Meet the Team" introducing you to our Generation LINK staff. We hope it will help you get to know Generation LINK staff members serving around the country a little better. Where did you graduate from...

As Valentine?s Day approaches every year I get excited. I have an incredible wife of eight years whom I love dearly. But, there is also another reason I get excited about February 14th. On this day in 2003 the Lord began a transforming work in...

Since the winter of 2009, I have had the blessing and privilege to work with Crosspoint?s youth. I have walked alongside some of our current senior girls since they were in middle school.  It is truly humbling and a blessing to me personally.  Serving as...

This post is part of a series called "Meet the Team" introducing you to our Generation LINK staff. We hope it will help you get to know Generation LINK staff members serving around the country a little better. Where did you graduate from and what did...

This post is part of a series called "Meet the Team" introducing you to our Generation LINK staff. We hope it will help you get to know Generation LINK staff members serving around the country a little better. ...