Summer LINK Seattle has settled in and has enjoyed seeing the Lord work in many different ways. One of the ministry opportunities that we have participated in was going to a small town in eastern Washington to work with a missionary family. The family is...

?Love one another with brotherly affection.?Outdo one another in showing honor.? Romans 12:10 Our Summerlink team has the unique opportunity to serve Miami. Known as the Gateway to the Americas, as Magic City, and to many on our team, home, Miami is one of the most unchurched...

"Thank you, Jesus"   ?Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of...

We are at the halfway point of our summer serving in Medford alongside Redemption Hill Church. We just wrapped up our "Serve Medford" week, which is one of our two big focused outreach weeks for the summer. Each summer Redemption Hill spends a week?intentionally focusing...

The Anderson SummerLINK Team is continuing to enjoy their time together as we continue to grow, serve, and worship alongside each other. We have continued to enjoy getting to know families in our church through host home dinners, we have hosted two youth events so...