A lot has happened since our last update from Boston! In our last post we were finishing our first week here, and we have now finished our sixth! The days can be long, but the weeks go by fast. It is hard to believe we...

Summer Link is in full swing here in the City of Oaks and July promises to be another busy month for our team. This summer has been good to our team, though that?s not to say we haven?t been challenged. Because all of us call...

It?s crazy to think that we?re already three weeks into SLINK. In the last update, Tim, the assistant director of summer link Charleston, wrote about how our theme revolves around understanding what it means to be reconciled. We have been studying 2 Corinthians 1-7 for...

Roughly 35 minutes outside of Detroit lies Ann Arbor, Michigan; home of the University of Michigan, almost 125,000 people, and our 2019 SummerLINK team. Our team consists of Katie Perry, Jordan Hargrave, John Perry, Harrison Stewart, Evan Ward, and Alex Poovey. We are all thrilled...

This is our first week update for the Summer LINK India trip of 2019! We cannot believe it has already been a week in this crazy country, but we are loving every minute of it! (Or at least most minutes of it).   Our team took about...

There is no greater privilege in the local church than the ability to serve, and this year Summer LINK Raleigh is able to embrace this opportunity not only as summer interns, but as church members that will continue to labor and love here, even after...