Delhi, IndiaOn the flight to Delhi (Credit: Logan Dickinson)We flew from GSP on Saturday June 28th to Newark, NJ where we had a brief layover before boarding our flight to Delhi. The flight was an uneventful, not very restful, 14 hours. We passed the time...

"Worship is turning our mind's attention and heart's affection to the Lord, praising him for who he is and what he has done." ? We were created by God to be worshipers of God. That was his mission behind creating us. We were created to be in...

Greetings from the Seattleites!!!  Our first week in Seattle has ended and we have seen God work in some mighty ways already. Brock and Ben picked us (Katelin, Jamie, Crystal, Jordan, and Christina) up at the airport on Thursday, June 26, to go meet with...

We've been here in Honduras for 5 days now. After a few days of getting acclimated to all that this beautiful country has to offer, we've begun to settle down into our roles and see what it is the Lord has in store for us...

Summer LINK Columbus has been very different than expected, but I am thankful that it has been. I have had ?wander lust? for a while now. The Lord has been growing my desire to minister in a place where the Gospel is desperately needed and...

We are half-way through SummerLINK Clemson! I can?t believe how quickly the last few weeks have passed!  I?ve developed some awesome friendships over the last month and have enjoyed the opportunity to rub elbows with the staff of Crosspoint Church.  Everyone has been so kind...