BLINK's time in Boston is quickly coming to a close. This past week was our busiest week of the summer. We've spent the past few weeks preparing for this week. This week was Serve Medford with Community Fun Night on Friday. Last Saturday around 80...

As the fourth week of Summer Link Seattle ends our team is heading to Olympic National Park to go camping which will be an adventure worth speaking about but we want to jump back to the second week of soccer camp and share a little...

           This past Tuesday we had a neat opportunity at a nearby public school. We were able to take part in a seminar urging the students to love and care for the elderly.  Josh and Justin gave a presentation on the...

SummerLINK India        Last Thursday was an interesting day because the auto-rickshaws we use for transportation were on strike. Fortunately the girls were still able to get to the house of their friend G. They were welcomed to an authentic meal and experienced...