Green South Carolina countryside rolled by as we drove down dirt roads to Tracy?s Camp, Cookout drinks in hand. We talked over open windows and rush of air, wondering what the weekend would hold. What were we expecting? Why were we taking a weekend to...

Summer LINK Boston just finished our first week serving with Redemption Hill Church in Medford Massachusetts and it?s been crazy! The days have been long but the week has been so short. We landed around 1pm Saturday afternoon to head straight to our dorms at...

From the first meeting, to running through the airport, and staying awake for at least 36 hours, this first week in Prague has been wild. Our team has hit the ground running in visiting the campuses, cathedrals, and other cultural aspects that make up this...

Leading the Clemson Summer LINK Team has been an incredible experience for me. I never expected to get the opportunity to co-lead a Summer LINK Team, so when I was asked to lead I was immediately overtaken with excitement, as well as anxiousness. Excitement, because...

  A week here feels like a month. ?A day feels like two. In South Asia, everything is backwards, upside-down, and done three times over. Still, beyond the heat, auto-packed streets, and slow-paced culture, we have one clear mission: Tell every mall-goer, taxi driver, village worker,...

Psalm 27:4 states, ?One thing have I asked of the Lord, ????that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord ????all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord ????and to inquire in his temple.? Sean Robinson, our new...