My name is Aaron Markham and I serve at The Church at Cherrydale (TCC) in college ministry. I want to introduce you to our awesome team serving in Greenville, SC this summer. I get the major blessing of equipping and guiding our Summer LINKers (?slinkers?...

It is a strange thing to pray to be placed in uncomfortable situations. It is an even stranger experience to live out answered prayers. Before coming to Honduras, I knew that a part of growing in the faith is living out of my comfort zone...

Last thursday we had had the opportunity to host a kids camp in Lucinda. This town was recently devastated by a boating accident where several young men died. The house that we hosted the camp at was the home of one of the men who...

It's wonderful here. The Lord is teaching me so many awesome things. He's taught me about my continual need for the Gospel. That yes, He saved me one time, but that doesn't mean that my sinning stopped when that happened. That didn't mean that I...

Seattle is one of the nation?s darkest places spiritually. Christians here are few and far between. Rather than a church on every street corner like there is in the Bible belt where I?m from, there are enough Starbucks establishments here to where it?s hard to...

?Hola!Girls playing at recess.Boys eating their snack.So far my favorite experience is helping at the bilingual school in Rio Esteban. We all walk to the main road from our house at 6:15 AM every Tuesday and Thursday to catch a school bus full of little...