In a world that is so driven by technology, social media, and individualism it is amazing that we cry to be known. It is very possible that your Facebook friends will know more about your social life than your mother knows. Well, let?s be honest,...

I started the Generation LINK Residency because I wanted to learn how to do children?s ministry. My expectation was to build relationships with the kids and learn how to teach in ways that make sense for children. I can assure you that the Residency has...

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are, This is Chris Concannon, a Resident from Redemption Hill Church in Medford MA., just north of Boston. I?m writing to you on a chilly and rainy early afternoon from my warm and cozy study space to update you...

I never imagined spending much time in a culture different from my childhood and high school experience.? Honestly, I never really put much thought into culture in general--that is until my college friends asked me to plan a day of games in honor of the...

I have always wanted to work with children. From the time I started kindergarten until my high school graduation, anyone who asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up heard the same answer?a teacher! I was thrilled to teach preschool when I...