We have been in Ann Arbor, MI for exactly two weeks, but it feels like so much longer. Our team has the unique experience of being a combined SummerLINK and GenSend team, so much of the two weeks has been spent learning to love and...

This team has learned and grown so much in the past week and a half. Much of our time together has been spent sharing the gospel, building relationships with those in King's Church and the community, abiding in Christ through reading and praying, reflecting on...

We out here in sunny San Diego, California! Our journey began with some early adversity. One of our team members, Emily Davidson, experienced her first flight with a cancellation of her ticket. The gracious Chloe Rutherford stayed with Emily and they were able to get...

This is our largest group ever for SummerLINK Rock Hill ? praise God! We have over 20 students currently participating, which is very encouraging and exciting to see the extent of whom all God has brought and how He will use each of them.[vc_row css_animation=""...

We?re closing up on our first week of SummerLINK in Clemson and eager for the summer ahead. After our orientation at the lake (big thanks to the Yost?s for hosting us!), we jumped in right away serving with Sunday morning worship and then shuffling chairs...

Hey guys! It?s Abby on SummerLINK Boston and I?m so excited to share with you how God is moving here!Already God has brought people across our path that we are praying for and we ask you to pray for as well. One of those people...